Wednesday, 31 December 2014

The end of 2014!

This concludes my first year writing a blog.  It has been an interesting year for me, both in terms of gaming and in the real World.  There have been a few changes and the usual ‘roller-coaster’ ride of triumphs, interspersed with, alas failures.

As always, this hobby has afforded me the opportunity to meet new gamers and to continue my acquaintanceship with other like minded people, whom I have known, in some cases, for over twenty years.  It’s this fellowship that keeps me coming back to events like Cancon and MOAB and promote innovative concepts the Good, Bad and Ugly tournament.

Overall, I am glad I commenced this blog and will continue it during the coming year.  It has not attracted a lot of views, but for me, that its the point.  I started to enable me to focus on my hobby and to assist me to reduce my lead mountain of unpainted miniatures.  Perhaps, on occasion it’s afforded me a medium to share the occasional insight with my reader, commend a trader who have provided excellent service, like Nic at Eureka Miniatures, John at War and Peaces Games, or Shayne at Campaign Books and Games Logistics. 

In terms of this blog, I was disappointed with my efforts: there was a hiatus of six months without a posting, many projects, heralded here, were commenced yet remain incomplete, while other more recent projects received attention in preference.  I clearly suffered from the classic gamer's ‘bright shiny object’ syndrome.  I will need to address this next year.

Again on the positive side, I am pleased I’m back painting after a far to long a break (ie over seven years).  Two factors have brought about this change:

(a)       I now know I cannot operate with lots of projects on the go.  I fare better if I have one or two projects actually on the painting desk at any one time.  The remaining projects need to be placed away, and 

(b)      Having a dedicated painting desk, for the first time in my Life does assist me to get some time in when I can, as there isn’t the need to set up and pack away each time I want to do something.

Finally, I feel more competitive playing DBA/HOTT than over the preceding two years.  I now afford my opponents a hard fought game, before they beat me, rather than just disappearing in a red mist before their armies.

I wish all, who may fall upon this blog, a safe and productive New Year.  One that they would wish for themselves!

I'm not Irish, but it seems the Irish have the best toasts, the sentiment expressed, quite simply conveys how I feel:

            My Friends are the best friends
            Loyal, willing and able
            Now let’s get to drinking!
            All glasses off the table!

            “Slante go saol agat!”
            Health for life to you!

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

Just a brief post to wish my reader the very best of Christmas!  Here's hoping whoever has given you exactly what you wanted!

I'll be posting, before the New Year, a review of the year passed in wargaming, my first year writing a blog.